Founded in 2019, The East and Central Africa SAP User Group is an independent 'not for profit' organisation. Our aims are to facilitate networking, knowledge exchange and best practice amongst SAP users.

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Why Join?

  1. Being an ECASUG member is a unique and cost-effective way to develop personal SAP skills
  2. As a member, you can access a range of SAP -related information services and events
  3. As an independent organization, ECASUG brings together the voices of all our members and deliver them directly to SAP. Also providing a platform for our members to influence and drive the future development of the SAP products and services.
  4. ECASUG Membership will save your organization valuable time and money by being able to draw on a community with vast experience and knowledge of SAP.
  5. Further information concerning the User Group and how we can benefit your organisaion can be found in our Frequently Asked Questions


Founded in 2019, The East and Central Africa SAP User Group is an independent 'not for profit' organisation. Our aims are to facilitate networking, knowledge exchange and best practice amongst SAP users.


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