The current committee came into office as per the ECASUG guidelines in **** 2019.
The Committtee
It is comprised of;
- Chairman: Duncan Eric Ogonji – NCBA, Kenya
- Assistant chairman: Charles Kirimi – Kenya Power
- Secretary: Rogers Malumbe – Kenya Ports Authority (KPA)
- Vice Secretary: Faith Muasya – Kenya Revenue Authority
- Treasurer: Harun Koimur – Independent SAP Advisor
The committees focused on 5 mandates:
- Rebrand the group to East and Central Africa User Group
- Refocus the group to gain full benefits of SAP
- Re-align the group to a four-pillar strategy: Network, Collaborate, Learn
- Relaunch SAPHARI as the group’s main Annual event
- Reclaim the User groups mandate as SAP members voice
Executive Members
- Veronica Nderitu
- Paul Njogu
- Francis Nyenge
- Duncan Aminga – UNGA Limited, Kenya
- Wangechi Mwangi – Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC (KenGen)